Park Attractions

Get your jump on at the Largest Trampoline Facilities in the state of Mississippi! With over 12,000 square feet of connected, state of the art trampolines in a 45,000 sq. ft. facility, the possibilities for FUN are endless. You can jump to your heart’s content!

Feeling a little… COMPETITIVE?! Come try out your dodge, duck, dip, dive, and throwing skills on our extreme dodgeball courts. Games are regulated by a staff member and coordinated as best we can by player’s size and age. But don’t worry. There are no losers in our games because our Refs make sure everyone has FUN!!!

Not quite tall enough to dunk a basket? LET US HELP!! On our trampoline dunk court you will have all the extra lift you need to spring up and SLAM down! Be the slam dunk basketball champ you always knew you were!

For this activity you just have to remember to keep one foot in front of the other and DON’T LOOK DOWN! When you do there goes your balance, right into a pit filled with hundreds of foam cubes.

Inflatable jump bags and balls are the newest feature for gymnastic centers and trampoline courts alike. Come take a flying leap and land on ours and you’ll see why!

ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE?! Everyone has watched time after time, sometimes fail after fail, as would be Ultimate Ninjas struggled to complete the course and said, “I could have made that!” Now is your chance to show off those skills!

If your favorite thing about the playground is swinging as high as you can just to leap through the air then you have to try our trapeze! All the butterflies, but only better! Instead of rocks, grass and dirt we have a pit full of foam cubes to catch you!

Located upstairs next to our parents viewing area (Don’t fret! For all us “Helicopter Moms” there is plenty of space around the courts in the jump zones to watch your children have FUN), the UpDown Gaming Zone has the latest, greatest in arcade style gaming. When the kids are done jumping, but you aren’t ready to go home, you can catch your breath and their attention with GAMES, GAMES, GAMES!!!